Telekinesis or Psychokinesis - Exercises and Keys
The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our knowledge and understanding.
Telekinesis, is it true? .. You decide.
Devoting a structured amount of time to telekinesis will greatly improve your odds.
It is not recommended to practice every day as your brain needs rest.
Meditation should be practiced on a regular basis in order to calm your mind and open it up to the possibility of telekinesis
Without being distracted by external factors, stare at an object for extended periods of time.
Become one with the object, make it part of you, visualize what you want it to do.
Some telekinetic abilities are possible when first starting out. Heightened levels of this power may take years to develop .
Telekinesis simply will not work unless you believe in the possibility that it can. If you attempt to move an object with your mind while having doubts, the object will never move, no matter how hard you concentrate.
It’s recommended to make notes. How long did you meditate, how were you feeling, were you able to focus and move the object, how long did you practice, which exercise did you use? etc. Making notes can be very useful for your progression.
Rub your hands together for about a minute (or two). This charges the energy field between your hands.
After about a minute take your hands apart and try to feel the energy between your hands and based on what you feel, try forming a ball with it. Concentrate on what you feel between your hands. Do you feel warmth or cold? Small or big? Do you feel it pull or push? Play around with it and keep concentrating on the feeling between your hands.
Once you got a hold on this and feel the psi-ball between your hands you are ready for the next step
Required materials:
Now, stab the pin into the eraser so one point is facing up. Next, fold the paper or tinfoil in half vertically, facing toward us, fold the top down, then unfold. After that, fold again but this time horizontally. Unfold, now our paper or tinfoil will look like it is divided into 4 parts. Flip the paper over then diagonally fold in half, making a triangle. As for next repeat for the other side. Now our paper or tinfoil will look like it is divided into 8 parts. It will look like sort of a star or shuriken. Now we have to balance the paper on the top of pin, so it will spin.
Next, we have to clear our mind and focus our attention on the paper. We have to try to morph our energy with the cells in it. We have to let it connect with us. Then once we have a feeling we are it and it is us, we have to try to move it like moving an arm.
Note: Put a clear glass over the psi-wheel so that no air or wind can move the psi-wheel. Then visualize the energy of your hands or mind flowing down to the psi-wheel in a cellular level, making it spin right or left.
Method: Find a pen that can be easy to move. Set the pen on the table, sit up straight and make sure you don’t bump into the table. Take a few moments to relax your breathing and your mind. Use the energy of your mind to move the pen across the table. Try all the ways of connecting with the object: Visualize the energy of your mind flowing like waves from your brain to the pen and visualize the pen rolling across the table.
Method: This is basically the same as the exercise above, but simply with other materials. Focus on getting the cork to move across the bowl.
Note: This is NOT the same as Hydrokinesis. In Hydrokinesis, you must make the water move and the cork is to determine the direction of the water movement.
There will always be a place for practical psychokinesis in our fast paced, high tech society that we have become so accustomed. The physical nature of psychokinesis is a manipulation of concentrated mental energy focused upon an inanimate object. Bending metals may not be a practical daily application but 'warm forming' is great for opening tightly sealed jars, doing a temporary fix for a leaky faucet, or turning those long stop lights green and a multitude of other jobs that take time or muscle to get done.
Back in the 1980's, researcher, Jack Hauck began holding PK parties throughout the United States. The parties proved to millions of people that the ability to manipulate metals is within all of us. The mystery of metal bending began to dissolve as people in all walks of life began to explore this phenomenon. Those ground breaking experiments in psychokinesis research that were conducted in years past have launched us into a new frontier of psychokinetic possibilities today. Those of you who are advanced will be happy to know that new remote models are being explored. Imagine performing tasks at home while away at the office. Sounds fantastic doesn't it!
Telekinesis, is it true? .. You decide.
Keys to make Telekinesis or Psychokinesis work
Devoting a structured amount of time to telekinesis will greatly improve your odds.
It is not recommended to practice every day as your brain needs rest.
Meditation should be practiced on a regular basis in order to calm your mind and open it up to the possibility of telekinesis
Without being distracted by external factors, stare at an object for extended periods of time.
Become one with the object, make it part of you, visualize what you want it to do.
Some telekinetic abilities are possible when first starting out. Heightened levels of this power may take years to develop .
Telekinesis simply will not work unless you believe in the possibility that it can. If you attempt to move an object with your mind while having doubts, the object will never move, no matter how hard you concentrate.
How to learn Telekinesis
Concentration is of the utmost importance for anyone trying to learn telekinesis and the deeper you can concentrate, the faster you can develop your telekinetic abilities. So spend time developing your concentration abilities before you start trying to do telekinesis.
- Practice. Practice for 5 -15 mins a day to improve your concentration and Telekinetic powers. Telekinesis is not something you can learn in a day or overnight, it requires everyday practice. The more you practice, the stronger it becomes.
- To do Telekinesis you must be relaxed. One way of doing this is by meditation to clear your mind. Meditation is not a must, but it will help you relax and strengthen your concentration.
- Believing that its true: False beliefs are a well known obstacle to achieving anything. You must convince your mind that this is real and can be done.
- Visualize. You need to become one with the object, feel it, make it a part of you. Connect with the object and visualize it like an extra arm, or try to blend your energy with the object and move it. Don’t think or wish, just move it.
- Be patient. Progression in telekinesis varies greatly from person to person.
- Improve your concentration everyday. If you cannot concentrate for long you will not have the patience to progress any further.
Here are the steps required in order to test or to develop your Telekinesis ability:
- Step One: Focus on the object for about 10 minutes until you feel it’s a part of you
- Step Two: Visualizing the change you want to do to the object whether its bending it or moving it
- Step Three: Trying to move the object is the final step, you should never use force because it will not work.
The Psi-ball - Warming-up Exercise
You can start with this exercise to warm up and strengthen your concentration and visualization:Rub your hands together for about a minute (or two). This charges the energy field between your hands.
After about a minute take your hands apart and try to feel the energy between your hands and based on what you feel, try forming a ball with it. Concentrate on what you feel between your hands. Do you feel warmth or cold? Small or big? Do you feel it pull or push? Play around with it and keep concentrating on the feeling between your hands.
Once you got a hold on this and feel the psi-ball between your hands you are ready for the next step
Exercises - Telekinesis or Psychokinesis
#1 The Psi-wheel
Required materials:- A four inch by four inch piece of paper or tinfoil.
- A pin or sewing needle.
- An eraser or a cork.
- A glass, jar or bowl.
Now, stab the pin into the eraser so one point is facing up. Next, fold the paper or tinfoil in half vertically, facing toward us, fold the top down, then unfold. After that, fold again but this time horizontally. Unfold, now our paper or tinfoil will look like it is divided into 4 parts. Flip the paper over then diagonally fold in half, making a triangle. As for next repeat for the other side. Now our paper or tinfoil will look like it is divided into 8 parts. It will look like sort of a star or shuriken. Now we have to balance the paper on the top of pin, so it will spin.
Next, we have to clear our mind and focus our attention on the paper. We have to try to morph our energy with the cells in it. We have to let it connect with us. Then once we have a feeling we are it and it is us, we have to try to move it like moving an arm.
Note: Put a clear glass over the psi-wheel so that no air or wind can move the psi-wheel. Then visualize the energy of your hands or mind flowing down to the psi-wheel in a cellular level, making it spin right or left.
#2 Pen roll/pull
Required materials:- A pen
- A flat surface to place the pen on
Method: Find a pen that can be easy to move. Set the pen on the table, sit up straight and make sure you don’t bump into the table. Take a few moments to relax your breathing and your mind. Use the energy of your mind to move the pen across the table. Try all the ways of connecting with the object: Visualize the energy of your mind flowing like waves from your brain to the pen and visualize the pen rolling across the table.
#3 The Cork
Required materials:- Cork or something else that floats.
- A Bowl of water.
Method: This is basically the same as the exercise above, but simply with other materials. Focus on getting the cork to move across the bowl.
Note: This is NOT the same as Hydrokinesis. In Hydrokinesis, you must make the water move and the cork is to determine the direction of the water movement.
#4 The pendulum
Required materials:
- One string.
- One ring with no gemstone, or a key.
Method: It should work like a pendulum. It is the same thing as the other ones, we have to try to push it back and forth and move it around with Telekinesis. Credits:
#5 Paper Push/Pull
Required materials:
- A sheet of paper
- A surface to place the paper on
- Fold a sheet of paper in half and set it up where is standing.
- Visualize strings of energy connecting and grabbing the energy of the paper.
- Visualize the paper either falling down towards you or pushing away.
- (Push) Concentrate on the paper pushing away from you like a magnet, visualize the string of energy forcefully pushing and as a sudden burst like an explosive reaction.
- (Pull) Concentrate on the paper falling over, visualize the string sucking up the energy like a vacuum but not absorbing only sucking so it comes closer to you.
- This technique teaches the psychic the concept of pushing and pulling
#6 Feather In A Jar
Required materials:
- A feather
- A jar with a lid
Method: For this one you will need a clean, dry jar with a lid and a feather. Place the feather in the jar and put the lid on it so you know there is no way a stray wind can get into the jar.
Set the jar on the table in front of you and use telekinesis to make the feather move or float.
Remember what we have spoke about in the previous lessons and exercises. Allow your thoughts to move down to the cellular level and become one with the feather. Feel the individual strings within the feather. In your minds eye, allow the energy of your mind to lift just one of the little strings of the feather at a time until eventually the entire feather is lifted and it begins to float.
If this does not work for you, try visualizing your minds energy as a wind. Let yourself feel the wind as it leaves your body through your third eye. All the wind to blow through the jar and lift the feather into the air. Once you get the feather airborne, work on using your mind to control the feather, making it go up, down or side to side at will rather than just floating around anywhere it wants to go
#7 Candle Flame Bending
Required materials:
- A candle
- Something to light the candle
Method: For this telekinesis exercise you will need a candle, something to light it with and a holder to make sure it is safe and steady on the table in front of you.
Light a candle and set it in front of you. Preferably with the flame slightly above your line of vision and far enough away from you that your breath will not cause the flame to flicker.
You also want to make sure that there are no drafts in the room. Turn off any fans you have on in the room and close any windows that might be open. Allow the candle to sit and burn for a few moments to see if there are any stray drafts.
Your goal is to make the flame bend. Work on bending it to one side only with each attempt. You want to see a solid bend in the flame, not just a flickering to one side like a wind was blowing across it.
Remember to use your mind power and see that energy interact with the flame of the candle on a cellular level. When the two energies have meshed, let the energy of your mind bend the flame.
#8 Crushing a Soda Can
Required materials:
- A empty soda can
- A surface
- Get an empty can of soda and put it down a couple feet away from you.
- Place your hand near the can but not touching it.
- Connect with the can and instead of a string of energy make an entire hand.
- Move the energy hand to the soda can and grip it.
- Compress the energy hand..
Learn more:
- Telekinesis: History and Top Secret Experiments
- Psychokinesis: Facts About Mind Over Matter
- Facility to continue Telekinesis: From myths to experiments on Telekinesis
Psi - Program
In parapsychology, psi is the unknown factor in extrasensory perception and psychokinesis experiences that is not explained by known physical or biological mechanisms. The term is derived from the Greek ψ psi, 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet and the initial letter of the Greek ψυχή psyche, “mind, soul”. The term was coined by biologist Berthold P. Wiesner, and first used by psychologist Robert Thouless in a 1942 article published in the British Journal of Psychology.
The Parapsychological Association divides psi into two main categories: psi-gamma for extrasensory perception and psi-kappa for psychokinesis. In popular culture, “psi” has become more and more synonymous with special psychic, mental, and “psionic” abilities and powers.
Parapsychology FAQ Page 1. 2008-02-28.Glossary of Psi (Parapsychological) Terms (L-R).
Spoon Bending
From the movie The Matrix, when a young boy bends a spoon to demonstrate the unreality of a computer simulation:
Spoon bending is the apparent deformation of objects, especially metal cutlery, either without physical force, or with less force than would normally seem necessary.
Spoon bending attracted considerable media attention in the 1970s when some people claimed to have the ability to cause such events by paranormal psychic means. The most notable was Uri Geller, who performed by bending metal spoons as well as metal keys and several other objects and materials. Geller’s performances were attributed to stage magic by critics such as James Randi and Martin Gardner.
Author Michael Crichton described his successful experience with spoon bending at a PK party in his 1988 book Travels:
I looked down. My spoon had begun to bend. I hadn’t even realized. The metal was completely pliable, like soft plastic. It wasn’t particularly hot, either, just slightly warm. … I had bent a spoon, and I knew it wasn’t a trick. I looked around the room and saw little children, eight or nine years old, bending large metal bars. They weren’t trying to trick anybody. —Michael Crichton, TRAVELS, 1988, pages 319–320
Parapsychologist and author Dean Radin has reported that he was able to bend the bowl of a spoon over with unexplained ease of force with witnesses present at an informal PK experiment gathering in 2000.
I was much more skeptical about such claims until one day I personally folded the bowl of a large, heavy soup spoon in half with a gentle touch, and with half a dozen witnesses present. I later tested to see if I could do this again with a similar spoon using ordinary force. I couldn’t budge the bowl without the assistance of two pairs of pliers and some serious leverage. —Dean Radin, Entangled Minds, page 331
Maureen Caudill, a trainer associated with the Monroe Institute, claims this is significantly easier to achieve when performed in groups rather than alone.
The How it works remains the puzzle
Here are some theories:
- Quantum Connection: some researchers believe that our minds are capable of directing subatomic particles and energies in objects, which enables us to move them without physically touching them.
- Magnetic Field: other experts theorize that psychokinesis can occur when a human is in control of the magnetic field around their body and can push that field into the object, causing it to move.
- Sound or Heat Waves: a few psychics believe they are able to generate sound or heat waves that can form energy. This energy can then be directed toward the object, forcing it to move.
Although the “how” of TK or PK remains unknown, research and experimentation on this fascinating phenomenon continues in respected research labs around the world.
There will always be a place for practical psychokinesis in our fast paced, high tech society that we have become so accustomed. The physical nature of psychokinesis is a manipulation of concentrated mental energy focused upon an inanimate object. Bending metals may not be a practical daily application but 'warm forming' is great for opening tightly sealed jars, doing a temporary fix for a leaky faucet, or turning those long stop lights green and a multitude of other jobs that take time or muscle to get done.
Back in the 1980's, researcher, Jack Hauck began holding PK parties throughout the United States. The parties proved to millions of people that the ability to manipulate metals is within all of us. The mystery of metal bending began to dissolve as people in all walks of life began to explore this phenomenon. Those ground breaking experiments in psychokinesis research that were conducted in years past have launched us into a new frontier of psychokinetic possibilities today. Those of you who are advanced will be happy to know that new remote models are being explored. Imagine performing tasks at home while away at the office. Sounds fantastic doesn't it!
Psychokinesis - Telekinesis: Exercises
Smaller scale TK Practice
A genuine fast introduction on small scale TK. Miniaturized scale TK is less demanding than it's partner, full scale TK. The miniaturized scale fundamentally implies that you're managing on a sub-nuclear dimension - managing shot/measurements. In these activities, you will impact the result of something utilizing TK. You'll get the hang of it subsequent to perusing a few.
If you are new to psychokinesis, it might be helpful to get the feel of the energy that you are capable of generating before delving into large tasks. Try this simple exercise for a minute or two.
Bones Exercise
The fundamental thought behind this is to move shakers and power a number. Be cautious creating your own activities. On the off chance that you have an objective number and you endeavor to compel it, your rehearsing TK. On the off chance that you endeavor to anticipate what the number will be (changing your objective number between each roll) your really building up an alternate mystic ability - precognition (foreseeing what's to come).
On your next drive to the city, try moving your mind into the stop light and trigger the mechanism to change. You will be amazed at how well you do.
With each success you will notice a remarkable change in your attitude that increases your personal magnetism. You will also notice how easily you begin to work through challenges and how quickly you find solutions in your life situations.
Preliminary 1
All you need is a pass on, some paper, and a pencil. Roll the shakers 50-100 times to ensure it's not weighted at any rate and is reasonable. On the off chance that you move it multiple times, each number should come up 16-17 times (number of preliminaries separated by number of conceivable results or 100/6). In the model, it appears that 5 may have a slight favorable position and 6 doesn't look so well. Here, I would pick either 2 or 3 as an objective number since you can make certain that the outcomes won't be influenced by the flaws in the bite the dust.
After you get the vibe for the bones, you need to attempt and power your objective number. Try not to get resentful if your number doesn't appear to come up that regularly, there could be a great deal of purposes behind this. You couldn't be focusing enough, you couldn't have enough practice, you couldn't be "heated up," or you could simply be having a terrible day. You need to endeavor to keep loose and free. Open your brain to the shakers, remain concentrated however latent. "Know" that the shakers will arrive on your objective number, trust your impulses, be fun loving and have a ton of fun. On the off chance that you end up getting frantic, enjoy a reprieve for some time and return to it. I realize I'm stating to endeavor to compel your objective number, however I don't need you to misinterpret it. It shouldn't be a "compel," it ought to be extremely quiet and unwinding. Give it a chance to stream, lay back and let the numbers do what they will do.
Preliminary 2
Investigate the outcomes to one side. In spite of the fact that the individual was attempting to constrain 3, he did the inverse. This may transpire. You state "I need 3" and your intuitive thinks "Well, since this isn't getting down to business, there won't be a ton of 3's." Your negative subliminal contemplations are reflected onto the outcomes. This is a GOOD sign Smile. On the off chance that you get something like this you ought to almost certainly persuade your sub-cognizant that TK exists. By what other method would you be able to clarify the uncommon change? Without a doubt, the numbers will change a bit, yet that much? Eh, not likely.
Use warm forming in all those household tasks that involve metal. A leaky water pipe can be mended through warm forming but it is a temporary patch.
Other areas of practical psychokinesis can be developed with a few exercises such as making a toothpick spin in a glass of water. This has been a favorite among practitioners for years.
Select a six ounce glass and fill with water. Drop a toothpick on top. Collect your thoughts and mentally move the toothpick clockwise. Then try it counterclockwise. You can also try placing your hand about five or six inches above the glass and turn your hand clockwise or counterclockwise. The energy will build up and the toothpick spins.
By being creative and choosing small projects such as these, you will develop your ability and perform stronger, larger tasks that will save time and money. It is amazing how a few exercises can tap directly into the vast storehouse of energy that is buried deep within our minds.
Card Exercise 1
I made this activity one late night in bed. Everybody appears to like it, including myself Smile. It's fun, simple, and energizing! All that you need is a deck of cards - a really normal thing. One motivation behind why I like this activity is on the grounds that you can do it with people viewing and they can't get on to what you're doing. You don't need to record anything or make any tables, it's simply you and 52 cards.
First begin off by picking an objective card. Endeavor to pick a card that isn't twisted and will fit in quite great. Presently you mix and mix. The objective is to expel all cards EXCEPT your objective card. By and large, I evacuate around 6 cards each time. We should go through a model so you get the thought.
Lets state I pick the Ace of Spades as my objective card. I mix the deck a few times to blend it up great. I have an inclination to take a few cards out so I haul out the initial 6 cards and glance through them to ensure the Ace isn't in it. I toss those cards in another heap. At that point I mix some more. I get an inclination to stop and evacuate a few cards, so I investigate them to ensure the Ace isn't in there. It's not, so I continue onward. I continue rearranging and expelling cards until I do run over the Ace.
This activity works great since you can persuade your mind that your card won't be in the gathering you get to check. Consider it, will your objective card be in a gathering of 40+ or in a gathering of 6? Your subliminal says "Better believe it, you're ideal, it is highly unlikely the Ace of Spades is in here..." If you continue doing it, you will begin to get results and have the capacity to limit it down to 10, 5, and in the end 1 card. The most essential part is to do what you have a craving for doing. Try not to break down (until you're done) and don't think. Simply stream... run with it.
This activity is for the individuals who have aced the main card work out. It's really straight-forward and straightforward.
To start with, get an objective card. Ensure it's not twisted and has no strange imprints (so it doesn't stand out). You essentially mix the deck and continue rearranging until you feel your objective card is to finish everything. Trust it or not, the third attempt after I began doing this I got my card to finish everything. I was simply rearranging and rearranging, at that point I thought "There it is" and I tossed it on my bed. When I saw I was in reality right, I just gazed at it in stun.
The way to this activity is to distinguish your objective and do what needs to be done. Try not to let anything go through your mind other than "..." No contemplations. Try not to figure "This won't work", don't think "The chances are path against me" - simply think "..."
Large scale TK Practice
Large scale Telekinesis is what were all here for. Moving enormous things with our psyche. None of this "possibility" poo, this stuff is in-your-face, self-evident, undeniable verification. The main thing that sucks about it is that it SEEMS to be more enthusiastically to do. For what reason do I say appear? By and by, I trust it is no harder than smaller scale TK (my intuitive differs Smile) it's simply SEEMS harder in light of the fact that we trust it would be more earnestly. Everything, even the things outside of TK, is attached to discernment and conviction. Simply expressing "I am supernatural!" to your subliminal will help. Have certainty! It does work and it will work!
Key Exercise
Key I don't know where this activity originated from. I think I read something to trigger me into considering it. It's entirely essential. You drape a string from the roof and attach a key to it (or any weight so far as that is concerned). At that point you endeavor to move it. Heh, that is it (see picture in case you're befuddled).
The key (play on words expected) to this activity is to open (heh, I'm adoring this Smile) your capacity. You can attempt a bundle of things to perceive what works for you. I like my eyes open. I attempt to keep a reasonable personality with just the possibility of accomplishment in my mind. A few people like to think about a magnet, some prefer to consider vitality, it's each of the a matter of finding what's directly for you.
String Exercise
It's precisely the same as the key exercise yet without the key. Simply have a go at moving the string. Be cautious, it is extremely touchy to twist, so inhale low, or spread your face, and don't make whirlwinds with your hands or when you move your body. Try not to discount great outcomes as "blasts" of wind. I made the string move while most of the way over the room however I figured it could have been some wind I produced.
So I experienced similar strides to check whether the key moved once more (just this time without the real mental exertion). It didn't move. I had a go at making whirlwinds and I couldn't make one sufficiently able to impact the string from that separate. Thus, realize your strings limits. See what development will make it move and what won't. In case you're extremely jumpy about wind, you can make a smaller than expected adaptation of the string exercise yet in a glass. See the image to one side. The holder ensures no wind will get in or out... what's more, since magnets experience stuff that way, it doesn't meddle with your exertion.
Psiwheel again That's the paper part, for the stand, everything you do is stick a needle in plug or something and parity the paper device to finish everything. By and by, I simply utilize a thumb-tack. It's genuine simple. See the image to the correct perceive how it should look when you're set. It's a low edge turning upward into the center of the paper thing.
You can most likely as of now think about what your main goal is. Make the paper thing turn on the needle. Be extremely watchful with this thing, it's amazingly touchy to wind and air flows. A murmur from 5 feet away can make it move. Simply unwind and let it stream like the various activities. I wish I could recall the website page I went to so I could give legitimate credit, yet I have no clue. Such is life.
Flame Exercise
I've just attempted this activity a few times. It simply doesn't work great for me (presumably because of early disappointment and dumb convictions). I'm including it since it truly sounds cool and you may think that its helpful.
The setup is simple, simply get a light, light it, and attempt to make the fire move. Have a go at contracting it or stretching it. I read that you can really separate the fire absolutely on the off chance that you continue contracting it to a point where it can't exist.
More About and How to Do Telekinesis
TELEKINESIS is moving things using your mind. If you’re going to try telekinesis, you have to be relaxed, clear of thoughts, and you have to be able to concentrate on that object and nothing else. Some people think you should meditate before trying to use telekinesis. You have to be very dedicated because it can take years to learn, but I think it’s worth the wait. Think of your goal in your head, imagining it over and over, thinking of nothing but the object and your goal. Do this for as long as you’re comfy with, and do it daily. After some time you will start to see results. I’ve found that light things are easier so start with light things.Some experiments are: Rolling a pen touching it less each time, using a light piece of paper is pretty easy, a toothpick in water, trying to make the fire of a candle lean to one direction, a feather in a bottle, balancing a spoon on the edge of a glass and trying to make the spoon rock off, and last but pretty easy is bending silverware or keys.Bending silverware is a little different. You hold the choice object in your hand, and you feel the surface as you imagine in your head bending the silverware. The thing is, you don’t “make” it bend, you “let” it bend. Levitation is pretty much a form of telekinesis so use the same method as telekinesis if you want to levitate something or yourself off the ground. Some people think telekinesis has to do with magnetic energy, and some think it’s the use of energy.
THE SHAPING OF ENERGY WITH THE MIND is often used to make psi balls. This is a way to learn to shape energy. You cup your hands as if holding something between them, and then think like your a faucet of energy, and just let it flow out through your hands and into a ball between them. Even if you can’t see it maybe it’s not strong enough and you need to add more. Don’t worry about seeing when you first start because you may not be able to add enough. You can tell if you made a psi ball though by paying attention to your hands. They will get hot and your hand will have little twitches every now and then. If your hands hurt don’t worry, it’s normal. Try making psi balls during different feelings, and see what changes there are. Once you can see your psi ball you can change it’s color, shape, and etc. It will do whatever you want it to.
Shieldsare made in mostly the same method, but the energy is surrounding you. You can program it to your will. It will do whatever you want it to.
Telepathy is exploring someone’s thoughts. You can also send to them through telepathy. Like, pick a letter and have a friend that you will be sending to, have them receive. Imagine you are linking to them, to their thoughts (sender). When you feel you are linked, clear your mind except for the letter. Picture the letter in your mind in different color, size, and fonts. Think the word as you do this. The receiver must clear their minds and must be open to all thoughts they receive or think they receive. Do not have the receiver say the letter until he thinks he absolutely knows what it is.
Suggested Reading that Really help you to know more about Power of Psychokinesis:
Recommended E-Book : Miracle Mastery
Recommended E-Book : Miracle Mastery
Telekinesis or Psychokinesis - Exercises and Keys
Reviewed by Liux Phi
8:46 PM

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For over 3 year's I have been practicing telekinesis and nothing worked, until I came across a woman saying she was helped by Dr white, I never believed, but because I was desperately looking for help, I wrote to him on email and he told me he will help with with a ring and with this ring I can do all things, I followed the instructions, and now I can do all things just with my concentration and focused mind, contact him on email:
ReplyDeleteWhatsApp: +17168691327
My husband left me and my children for over 6 months, all hope was lost. I thought I would never meet my husband again because he blocked me on all the social networks I could use to reach him. This left me sad and heartbroken until I met Dr. Dawn. Now, I explained everything to her and she promised me that everything would be fine in 3 days, to my surprise, my husband called and started begging 3 days after the spell, now my husband is back home and he treat's me very well and we live happily together now, contact her for help:
ReplyDelete*if you want to your loved ones.
*if you want to get pregnant.
*if you want to cure any sickness.
*if you want a spiritual power.
*If you want to stop miscarriage.
Email: {+2348032246310}