Why Psychokinesis is a controversial issue?
In this article, I will not prove that Psychokinesis is actually existing, or it does not exist (not true).
Why? Because if I go to prove, I will fall into the realm of science, or fall into the mystery of spirituality (religion - magic). In essence, science and religion (spirituality), two areas have laid out spiritual children, whose father does not teach (control) his own child.
Once reason - Logic, there will be contradictions. That is the consequence of imperfection in imperfect theorems.
Where will there be no contradiction?
The essence - absolute - the truth, this is where there is no contradiction.
The most accurate language to describe the place there is no contradiction, and there we will see the truth (a truth hidden by ignorance), that is enlightenment.
Enlightenment, as an English language, is not enough to describe, so I will assign: Enlightenment = Nirvana = "cessation of dukkha"
Meditation is a way to go to absolute awareness, a way to see the truth. That's how Shakyamuni Buddha used to realize - enlightenment.
Neuroscience cannot be aware of its own will.
This is also a consequence of imperfect theorems. Psychokinesis was born in the will, and science or religion could not be fully aware of it.
Regarding awareness, I have written a post on another blog: Find the true explanation for "Neuroscience of free will" experiment
Why? Because if I go to prove, I will fall into the realm of science, or fall into the mystery of spirituality (religion - magic). In essence, science and religion (spirituality), two areas have laid out spiritual children, whose father does not teach (control) his own child.
Once reason - Logic, there will be contradictions. That is the consequence of imperfection in imperfect theorems.
Where will there be no contradiction?
The essence - absolute - the truth, this is where there is no contradiction.
The most accurate language to describe the place there is no contradiction, and there we will see the truth (a truth hidden by ignorance), that is enlightenment.
Enlightenment, as an English language, is not enough to describe, so I will assign: Enlightenment = Nirvana = "cessation of dukkha"
Meditation is a way to go to absolute awareness, a way to see the truth. That's how Shakyamuni Buddha used to realize - enlightenment.
Neuroscience cannot be aware of its own will.
This is also a consequence of imperfect theorems. Psychokinesis was born in the will, and science or religion could not be fully aware of it.
Regarding awareness, I have written a post on another blog: Find the true explanation for "Neuroscience of free will" experiment
Now, we will analyze why Psychokinesis/Telekinesis argued in a familiar way of looking at it: science and spirituality:
#Evidence and research are missing or do not support Psychokinesis
On the surface you can’t blame hardcore scientists and psychologists for dismissing the idea of psychokinesis out of hand. The theory definitely has a few things working against it:
- High Probability of Fraud. There was a time when fraudsters would travel around the country and claim to have extraordinary powers. Maybe for a few bucks they’d let you in on their show. You’d leave amazed, if a little poorer, but it was all phony. Unfortunately, even in the 20th century and beyond many of the most interesting cases have shown a high likelihood of deception.
- Paranormal Connections. The early connection of telekinesis to the spirit world probably didn’t help anything. Of course now we can logically separate powers of the human mind from the actions of supernatural beings, but for many it still falls under the same umbrella of paranormal mumbo jumbo. Particular when combined with things like table-tipping and the Ouija Board, the line between science and the supernatural gets pretty blurry.
- Lackluster Research. Finally, the research really isn’t very compelling. And, frankly, it’s quite boring. Who cares if someone can influence the roll of a pair of dice once out of every thousand throws? This finding is nearly insignificant statistically, and has little practical application.
Does this mean psychokinesis isn’t a real phenomena? That depends on your point of view, of course.
#The evidence cannot be denied for Psychokinesis, and the denial by the mind creates
Psychokinesis/Telekinesis is created by the mind, and the observer will argue (deny) the evidence for Psychokinesis.
In real life, if there is no argument (criticism), then the defense lawyer will not exist. The defense lawyers will be unemployed.
So what would it take to prove to mainstream science that psychokinesis is real? Probably it would mean that one indisputable “wow” case that floors everyone. It would mean evidence that is so obvious that it can’t be challenged.
Well, here are some of the most compelling cases we’ve got (so far).
Uri Geller: Geller is most noted for his spoon-bending abilities. Unfortunately his involvement in magic and the theatrical have caused some to question the authenticity of his performances.
Ted Serios: Serios became famous for his alleged ability to transfer mental images onto photographic film while intoxicated. Called thoughtography, this ability was heavily debunked by researchers at the time, and Serios had difficultly reproducing his efforts in a sober state.
Tibetan Monks: Some monks in Tibet have the ability to don a wet sheet in freezing cold weather and dry it by using the power of meditation to raise their body temperature. This is perhaps the most interesting example, as it is biologically plausible. In some cases, the monks are able to raise their body temperatures to the point where steam comes off the sheets.
Martin Caidin: Caidin was a distinguished aeronautics writer when he began to delve into the world of telekinesis. He claimed to be able to move a psi wheel (a device designed to test telekinetic powers) at will.
Tibetan Monks: Some monks in Tibet have the ability to don a wet sheet in freezing cold weather and dry it by using the power of meditation to raise their body temperature. This is perhaps the most interesting example, as it is biologically plausible. In some cases, the monks are able to raise their body temperatures to the point where steam comes off the sheets.
Martin Caidin: Caidin was a distinguished aeronautics writer when he began to delve into the world of telekinesis. He claimed to be able to move a psi wheel (a device designed to test telekinetic powers) at will.
Matthew Manning: Having shown an aptitude for automatic writing, Manning also seems to have the ability to affect physical objects. Like Geller he’s alledged to bend metal as well as influence the workings of electrical and mechanical devices.
Nina Kulagina: A Russian citizen, Kauligina discovered her ability to use her mind to influence the physical world at a young age.
- by video Telekinesis confidential files - Experiment on the power of Psychokinesis
She participated in many research projects under the supervision of Soviet scientists, and most famously stopped a frog’s beating heart under controlled lab conditions. Other Russian psychics would follow in her footsteps as the Soviets sought to evolve telekinesis into a possible weapon.
- by video Telekinesis confidential files - Experiment on the power of Psychokinesis
She participated in many research projects under the supervision of Soviet scientists, and most famously stopped a frog’s beating heart under controlled lab conditions. Other Russian psychics would follow in her footsteps as the Soviets sought to evolve telekinesis into a possible weapon.
Suggested Reading that Really help you to know more about Power of Psychokinesis:
Recommended E-Book : Miracle Mastery
Recommended E-Book : Miracle Mastery
Why Psychokinesis is a controversial issue?
Reviewed by Liux Phi
8:01 PM

From 1978 to 1995, the Central Intelligence Agency ran a secret program called Stargate. Their goal was to create an army of what they called "psychic warriors"—men with superhuman abilities who could use their powers to look inside enemy bases, manipulate the physical world
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